I wanted to put out some basic guidelines for the scooter ride.
First and foremost, the ride organizers are not responsible for any damage or harm that may come to the riders or their vehicles or any other personal belongings they may bring with them, etc. etc. and so on and so forth ad infinitum. Riding a scooter or motorcycle is by nature a dangerous proposition, so it is expected that riders will understand that a group ride holds its share of additional dangers. I hate to sound like a jerk, but I have to cover myself and the others involved.
We ask that the ride be considered a non-smoking event. Not only is cigarette smoke unpleasant for non-smokers to inhale, riding on top of a gas tank with a cigarette in one's mouth is not exactly condusive to safety...just sayin'. :)
Please use discretion with the use of foul language. We want to provide a positive image of scootsters and we don't want to sound like a gaggle of outlaw biker wannabes. :0D
We will ride together, with a lead rider and a sweeper, and possibly a middle-man should we have enough riders to warrant such a thing. Since our ride includes 50cc scoots, it is expected that the ride will not exceed 35mph most of the time. If you are riding a faster vehicle, we ask that you not exceed the speed of us slowpokes. :)
We will ride in a staggered formation since lane sharing is not allowed in Pennsylvania. We will not ride on the shoulder since I do not wish to have any flat tires from debris. At stop lights, we should pull up side by side and close behind in order to trip the magnetic sensors.
I will add to these guidelines if necessary and I'll have a printed copy for all participants to sign. Unfortunately, I really need to limit our liability.
Above and beyond anything else, the ride is supposed to be fun!
Sooo...once we get done with the formalities, we'll have a blast!
DISCLAIMER: The above guidelines are not necessarily set in stone yet and may be subject to change.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
Error corrected. I think I was really tired when I posted that. I had a 60 hour work week last week, which is a lot for me, so my mind was probably gone when I wrote that.
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