Is it possible to be both impressed and depressed at the same time.
I was not quite blown away by Sarah Palin's acceptance speech tonight, but I was impressed. On the other side, I'm a cynic, and something tells me that somehow, between now and the election, everything will fall apart.
Let me be clear. I do not feel comfortable with John McCain. I think he's weak on issues I feel strongly about, but on the other hand, Sarah Palin appears to share my views. I could pull the lever for McCain/Palin realizing that were McCain to be suddenly incapable of finishing his presidential term, there would be someone waiting in the wings whose views I agree with.
I was very impressed by Sarah Palin's poise as she was giving her speech. I was glad she was willing to stand up to the attacks on her family and record. So many other conservative politicians don't seem to care when they are attacked. They sit back and take it. Sarah Palin comes out with all guns blazing (which she could literally do if she wanted to).
What's really funny about this is that the media is feeling bad for Barack Obama because the golden child has been slammed by a woman. And yet, it's depressing at the same time.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
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