Warning: This entry is not scooter related.
That said, I'm rather irritated at the mindset which seems to be prevalent in American politics. We seem to have adopted a sporting event mentality when it comes to politics, making both sides appear silly. It's almost like kids in a school yard saying, "My dad can beat up your dad!"
I have my political opinions, and I enjoy discussing them, but I don't get all bent out of shape if someone disagrees with me. I hold to the viewpoint that everyone is entitled to their opinions, whether I agree with them or not, and if I disagree, it is better to discuss it with them in an adult manner, rather than resorting to petty namecalling.
Over the last year and a half, I've watched people squabble over their choice for president, and now that the race is over, many of those who believe themselves to be "winners" seem to be thumbing their noses at those who voted for the "loser," again, much like children saying "nyeh nyeh nyeh."
I'd like to think that if the situation were reversed, the opposition would be more civil, but since I am a cynic, I doubt that would be the case.
It's really quite a shame that people behave this way, but it's become the norm in this country.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
Republicans I talk to are very bitter about loosing the election. I accepted Bush, both times, as my president. They don't seem to be able to accept the President Elect. I just tell them that the "Real America" has spoken, and it's over.
I don't know about that. I have spoken to many Republicans, and I don't think all that many of them are bitter.
Personally, I'm not a Republican. I found both candidates to be severely lacking, but now that the election is over, I will stand behind Mr. Obama as the American President and show him the respect due to the office he will hold after the inauguration.
When he proposes something that I disagree with, I will state my disagreement, but other than that, he is the president elect, and it is what it is.
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