You have never truly lived until you have ridden a scooter (or motorcyle, I suppose), during the autumn months. The feel of the chill wind on your face, the beauty of the autumn leaves, the crazy squirrels darting out in front of you...
Well, the squirrels I can do without.
I love the cold. I was raised in the foothills of the Berkshire mountains in western Massachusetts, so chilly weather is nothing new to me. I get quite a chuckle out of Lancaster County natives who utterly freak out at the first hint of winter weather. All the weatherman has to do is say "snow" and the grocery stores are suddenly emptied of their entire stock of eggs, milk, and bread. I'm not 100% sure why those items are so much in demand before a snow storm in this area. Perhaps the natives want to stick French toast to their tires to help with traction.
Snow has never been a deterent for me. I'm not likely to ride my scooter in it since I'm not entirely insane (a little, sure, but not entirely), but I have no qualms about driving my car in a blizzard, never mind a mild flurry.
Autumn is the harbinger of winter. The colors of autumn give way to the blues and whites of winter, the joys of snowball fights, and the pleasure of hot cocoa and a snuggle with my hunny. It is truly a delightful time of year.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
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