Whenever I go into a store and am approached by a sales clerk, the inevitable question arises to the effect of: "Can I help you find something?"
My response, almost invariably is: "Yes, thank you. I seem to have lost my mind, have you seen it?"
In many cases I get laughter or funny comments from the clerk. Occasionally the clerk will be a total ditz with no sense or humor and I will receive a blank stare. On the whole though, I've found smart remarks of this nature to be truly disarming and it usually lends itself to witty banter, which then drives my wife insane as she's standing beside me shaking her head, wondering why she married me.
In any event, I spent the morning teaching a class of ten third and fourth graders at my Church's Day camp. The Bible passage for the class was Luke 15:1-10. We then had an activity where I had "lost" a special heirloom object and the kids had to help find it. I think it went rather well, and the kids seemed to understand the message which is that we are of great value to God. So valuable indeed that He gave up His only Son to redeem us.
After the lesson, the kids got to make placemats (Aren't VBS crafts wonderful! HA HA!). After lunch, they had a water balloon toss, then we made our way to the nature shack for a lesson about whales and cuttlefish and the amazing way in which they are created. They then spent about 30 minutes feeding the turtles inside the building.
All in all, it was a great day, and afterward, I was able to scoot home under beautiful cloudless skies.
Unfortunately, tomorrow I go back to work. In a way, I'm looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I could use a few more days to relax.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
My favorite line that earns me that same stare by my wife is one that I use when I'm using a fast food drive-through intending to take the food home and supply my own beverage. Invariably the McKid asks, as per the script, "Would you like anything to drink with that?" My stock reply: "No, thank you. I'm allergic to liquids." It goes right over most of their heads. I like the ones who get it!
I love the signs on drive up windows that say "Braille menus available inside." That always cracks me up. The sad thing is, I drove up to one once, said I was blind and asked for a braille menu, and the clerk didn't get it. Oh well.
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