Yesterday and today were busy scootin' days.
Yesterday I started off with an oil change. I had picked up some Amsoil scooter oil (10W - 40) at Lancaster Honda the day before, so I had my oil already and it only took about 10 minutes. I then scooted over to B&B Yamaha, just for something to do. I chatted with Mark a bit, looked at a 2009 Zuma (which had a sold sticker on it), then wended my way up to Trans-Am cycle in Lititz. They had several new Kymcos in, one of which was terribly tempting (a 2009 Agility 125), and another of which just made me drool (a 2009 People 150). Unfortunately I'm not really able to afford a new scooter at the moment, so I didn't bite.

I then scooted over to the Lititz Burger King to see how their drive-up sensor works. It took them a little while to recognize my presence, but they also had a camera trained on the ordering doo-hickey, so one way or another, they recognized I was there and took my order. I stopped at a Park in Lititz to eat my burgers then scooted on over to Rothsville and up one of the back roads that will be featured in the Sept 13 ride. I got a really nice picture of what I assume to be an abandoned mill (there's my scoot right next to it), then I hopped back on my scoot and headed up to Ephrata.
I stopped in at Bachman's Auto sales to chat, where I was somewhat tempted by a 150cc, but held at bay by its chinese pedigree. Mr. Bachman has one himself, but he only has 1,000 miles on it. If he had 30,000 on it with no troubles, I'd be the owner of one myself right this moment, but I still don't quite trust them. He also has a 300cc Wildfire Maxi Scooter with over 2,000 miles on it and no problems thus far. I'm pleased to see that aside from some minor issues, his customers have been very happy with the scoots, so, despite my earlier misgivings, due to his ability and willingness to service the scooters he sells, I think I can safely recommend Bachman's auto sales and the Wildfire scooters for sale at his shop, with certain reservations. Mr. Bachman is a reputable used car dealer (referred by my best friend whom I trust implicitly) who does not price gouge his customers with all sorts of fees like most scooter and motorcycle salesmen, which also speaks well for him. The buyer should keep in mind that the longevity and quality of a Chinese built scooter is always up to question. The Wildfire does seem to be a touch better quality than other Chinese brands, which is reassuring. If you're unable to afford a higher quality scooter, Wildfire seems to be one of your best options. Even considering my issues with the Wildfire R8, the 150s and 300s seem to be more solidly built with better plastic. I'll keep my ears to the ground on this topic, but if I trust Bachman well enough that if my scooter were to suddenly need to be replaced (I hope that never happens), I'd be willing to purchase a 150cc Wildfire from him. Who knows, I might still consider trading up to one of his 150's at some point, but I don't think I will quite yet. I really like the look of the Kymco People 150 and I think I may just hold out for one of those.
Back onto topic, my best friend met me at Bachman's on his Wildfire R8 (which he has fixed the turn signals on with a little Epoxy). We left there and headed up over Ridge Avenue to Mohler Church Road, then over to the Green Dragon. We wandered around a bit before I had to head home.
My wife and I went to watch my son graduate from "Camp Cadet" which is held each year by the state police. He loved his time there and he really seems to have stolen the hearts of the troopers who staffed the camp. He earned the nickname "Mad Dog" for the look of determination he gets on his face whenever he sets his mind to something.
Today I scooted to work to give meds to the men at the group home. I then met with Gerry from Scoot Lancaster to finalize the plans for the Sept. 13th ride.
Later on, my son and I circulated some fliers with the event detail on them, and then we went to do some shopping. While at the McDonald's in Lititz (in my wife's Rav4 since we can't quite fit all three of us on the scooter), I met a gentleman with a black Honda Ruckus. They are neat little scooters, but a little too "erector set" for me. He had a nice lookin' windscreen on it as well. I didn't think to get a pic.
Oh well, that's the bulk of my adventures over the last few days. Hope to see some of you in three weeks in Lancaster!