I wished I could go for a ride. As it was, I was sitting here in my lazyboy with muscle relaxers coursing through my veins and a light-headed feeling which really doesn't lend itself to operating any kind of vehicle, nevermind one requiring balance. See, my job can be dangerous. When you work with the developmentally disabled, there are chances you could get hurt, and I did...again. I've been having back spasms and difficulty with my left shoulder and neck for almost two weeks now and have been on Dr. ordered leave from work.
I can tell you, I'd rather be working, but today, today I decided I'd had enough and I took a little scooter ride to my third physical therapy appointment. Boy oh boy was I excited! Ok, I'll admit, I was a little scared as well. As it was, I brought out the rarely used half-helmet since I thought less weight for my neck to contend with would be a good thing and since the speed limits in town are 25mph (and amazingly people follow them since the police keep a very close eye on Main St.), I wasn't too concerned about a high speed collision.
The ride was uneventful, but I could feel that a prolonged ride wasn't going to be a picnic. I went in to my PT appointment for my impending beating, then put my helmet back on and rode over to Lancaster Honda to get the scoot inspected. It was there that I saw they still have a 2013 PCX 150 for sale, as well as some 2015's, and I finally got to test-ride one after trying out the seat five years ago. The write-up of the test ride will come tomorrow. I need to go get some photos which I forgot to do in the midst of my discomfort.
In any even, the Silver Streak passed inspection without any issues. Happiness this is. 24,406 miles at the time of inspection and not a single problem other than a slight wobble of the windscreen, which was fixed with a couple turns on an Allen wrench.
I'll tell you though, by the time I got home, again uneventfully, I was ready for some Tylenol, my hot-pad, and some sit down time in my recliner.
I'm glad that I was able to get out for a ride today. While my car is a lovely place to be, riding a scooter or motorbike has no peer in giving one a feeling of freedom.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago
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