Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Out of the snow...

I'm experimenting with mobile posting, and as yet have not been successful. Hopefully it works this time.

My scooter sat in the snow under its cover for a week. My son and i were able to dig it out, and a neighbor helped me cut a parking space out of the snowbank for it with his snowblower.

The scoot started right up, and i took it over to the filling station to top off the tank.

I rode it to and from work yesterday without incident, despite the threat of snow and the wet roads after nightfall.

The sabre still sits in the snow. Due to some back and neck issues, i have not been able to dig it out, not that i could ride it if i wanted to.

Yesterday, when I looked out the window at work, there was a line of mist above the creek that runs behind the group home. The trees appeared to be floating above the mist.

As to the idea of posting this message from my cell phone, I had to edit it and add more photos after sending it. More of a pain than it's worth I think.


Joe said...

"More of a pain than it's worth I think."

I tend to agree, though, now and then in moments of simple wishing it to be different, I continue to give mobile posting a try. Sometimes goldfish learn better from their mistakes than we do!


Unknown said...


I was so envious of all of you posting from your SmartPhones, but if it's too much trouble then I won't bother.

I notice you are still in Winter's grip. It's sunny and warm here, in the 50s. Not even enough snow for the 2010 Winter Olympics here in Vancouver, BC

bobskoot: wet coast scootin

cpa3485 said...

I have posted from my phone, but is cumbersome with pictures. Some posts might be picture oriented for me, some more text oriented. I will insert the text or pictures later depending on original orientation. Many times I compose the text on my phone, then e-mail to the office or laptop for later assembly and posting.
Glad to see you getting dug out. You have a great looking scooter!
BTW, most of my comments are from phone, this not being an exception.

Scootin' Fool said...

My phone is apparently not considered a smart phone, though it's close enough to blur the line. I think, as cumbersome as it is, it will serve a purpose when I am out and about. The phone is an LG Xenon for any who are interested. It has better graphics and features than my blackberry had, not to mention a better camera.

kz1000st said...

Why is there snow on the Sabre?? What happened to the cover. Snow melts and the water finds its way into bearings, wiring and the fuel system. Buy a cheap tarp if you don't have one now. A rare beauty like that deserves it.

Scootin' Fool said...

The Sabre was covered. Unfortunately, it blew off in the storm and got stuck under the snow. It's gotten cleaned off since the pic was taken, but I haven't gotten it all the way out of the snowbank yet since it's too heavy to move.