Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's a scooter thing...

It's funny how different people are moved by different things. As the weather grows increasingly cooler, riding a scooter invariably raises some eyebrows. The other day a co-worker was baffled by the idea that anyone would want to ride a scooter on a cold day. It wasn't something I could explain. The closest I could come to an explanation was to amend the Jeep motto to: "It's a scooter thing, you wouldn't understand."

Those of us who know the joy of riding a scooter or motorbike on a clear, crisp, autumn day, understand what it is that draws us to do so. It's something we can't really put a finger on. 

Yesterday was a long day at work. I rode to one location near Leola, PA, worked for eight hours, then set our for another home in South Lebanon. I had an hour and a half between shifts, which allowed me to take my time. 

Taking the scenic route on an autumn day lends itself to breathtaking views. Perhaps this is part of what keeps me riding as the seasons change. Riding a scooter or motorbike has a way of connecting the rider to nature. Of course, it the weather really turns or there are wet leaves on the road, the connection can become very personal, but we won't explore that for the moment. 

Yesterday's ride didn't disappoint. Lancaster and Lebanon counties are lovely in the fall. My route ran past the Middle Creek project. The reflection in the lake surface was breathtaking and the fall air was so fresh and clean. Maybe this is indeed that inexplicable something that draws riders out in cooler weather. The beauty and the chill air make me feel uniquely alive. 

While it may be impossible to completely relate these feelings to the uninitiated, we who enjoy riding motorcycles and scooters in all sorts of weather understand. We know the freedom and the rush. We know how it makes us feel especially alive. 

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