Following these early Republican presidential debates and the news coverage of the campaigns has proven yet again that the media (including Fox) want to control the outcome by following only the candidates they like and giving only brief mention of the others, in hope that no one notices.
Here are the candidates as I see them. Bear in mind, these are only my impressions an should be taken with a grain of salt. If you're offended, oh well, deal with it.
• Mitt Romney: mandatory health care = bad. Sure, it was for a state and is not the same as a federal mandate, but still, I come from that state and have family members who got screwed by that law. Seems to regurgitate talking points.
• Rick Perry: can you say, "plastic?" He feels like a politician to me. We don't need more politicians in Washington. My fear with Perry is that he will talk well to get elected, but then turn around and do whatever is politically expedient. Seems to regurgitate talking points.
• Michelle Bachman: still plastic, though she's done ok so far. Also seems to regurgitate talking points, and her hair in the one debate was just plain scary. Shallow, I know, but just the same...
• Newt Gingrich: feels like yesterday's news and doesn't seem to know where he stands on certain issues all the time. Still regurgitates talking points, but doesn't get as much time to do so as the others in debates.
• John Huntsman: I really don't know much about the guy, but in the one debate I watched, he seemed evasive and looked something like a Ken doll with grey feathering in his hair.
• Rick Santorum: I like Rick, but he's been around politics for too long. He plays the game...maybe too well.
• Ron Paul: I really used to like Ron Paul, but seein him in debate with others, he seemed a little unhinged. I like his libertarian viewpoint and agree with him almost completely on political things (with a few exceptions).
• Herman Cain: now here's the peach of the bunch (he is from Atlanta). He has a tax plan. He doesn't go back on talking points. He is impassioned and you can feel it when he speaks. He's not a political insider. I could go on, but I will stop there.
There are a few other minor candidates, but these are the most visible. The media focus so much on Perry and Romney because they are (to their way of thinking) the most beatable candidates. Let's hear more from the people with real ideas, who are more than simply guys who look good in a suit.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago