We all are motivated by different things. The simple reason for this is that we are all unique. Some are driven to pursue power, others are driven by wealth, others pursue sensation and pleasure. Then there are those people who are driven by duty, by obligation, or by deep conviction. I am primarily one of the last, but like all things that are driven, I at times need to be taken off my wheels and given a thorough tune-up and oil change (figuratively speaking)
Personally, the arts thrill me.
Painting gets my blood pumping, as does playing music. It's not the same thrill perhaps, but it's the feel of the paint and the resistance of the brush or knife on canvas, and the feel of the music.
This past Sunday, church was a two part thing. The first half was spent in Ephrata with the folks from the Christian Motorcyclist Association. My guitar and one harmonica went along in a back-pack gig-bag.
Riding a scooter with a guitar on one's back is not for the faint of heart. The wind resistance gets a bit tiring. Just the same, it was nice to sit with the CMA folks and play hymns and praise songs. My current guitar is a Yamaha APXIII Slimline. It's nice and light which makes it good for my purposes, and the sound is crisp and bright.
Sitting in the shade, hearing the rumble of passing bikes with the sound of guitar strings and harmonica reeds intermixed was restful and calming. Being able to sing about my faith in a public place, accompanied by other believers, that was refreshing. Around 10:30, I headed to my own church and was further renewed by the hearing of God's Word.
We aren't all motivated by the same things, but it's important to take a step back from those things that drive us and take time to refresh and revive the weariness of soul, mind, and body. All three are important and need maintenance. Neglecting any of them will eventually cause them to give out when they may be needed the most.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
4 weeks ago