It's a Thursday afternoon, and I can't stand. At least not for very long. The injury from work in November has come back to haunt me. So, I'm watching Top Gear on BBC America while I try to find someone to cover my shift at work.
I think the best episode of Top Gear is the Vietnam special from season 12. In this episode, they ride motorbikes north through Vietnam. The countryside is beautiful and the bikes they ride are fantastic; an aging Vespa, an old Honda Supercub, and an ancient Minsk.
The gifts they get for each other are funny as well, not to mention the suits they purchase.
What strikes me most in this episode is not so much the countryside as the people. There are still reminders of the war, some forty years later, but the people live on and make the most of life.
If I ever have the chance, I wouldn't mind visiting some of these far away places. In a way, I get to enjoy some of the experience. Here in Lancaster county, there is equally beautiful countryside.
And sometimes the sunrises are amazing. The above photo was taken after working an overnight while riding home on my scooter.
I've applied for a transfer at work. There's an opening at the art gallery that Friendship Community runs. The opening is for an art instructor, and it would be a perfect fit for my skills, not to mention that it would be easier on my back. There's the added bonus that I ride a scooter, which means I must be qualified because artsy people ride scooters. Isn't that an accepted fact? I'm only kidding of course.
Well, I must stop here, I've taken a muscle relaxant and can feel it starting to take effect.
Ride safe.
Falling in Love with the Royal Enfield Himalayan (AGAIN)
I Remember Now Cold mornings. Reasons to stay home. Safe. Warm.
Unencumbered by the need to do the heavy lifting to ride in the central
Pennsylvania wint...
1 day ago