Our air conditioning hasn't been working right for the last week. Well, yesterday, I discovered, with the help of a friend, that one of the capacitors in the heat pump was blown. So, I went and got a new one today. Took me a bit of running, but it gave me an opportunity to get out on my scoot. The first store I went to didn't have what I needed, so I ended up at a heating and air conditioning place that had the part.
In my travels I saw about five other people on scoots, and I stopped in at Bachman's Auto Sales (sorry, no website that I could find), where my best friend bought his scooter. I chatted with the owner awhile, and then scooted on my way.
The back roads of Lancaster county are real nice for scootin'. There's lots of curvy roads and sharp turns and the occasional Amish buggy to dodge. It makes for a really pleasant ride, even in the more sun drenched places.
So, back to my topic, my friend came by this evening after I left for work and fixed the heat pump so we now have lots of cool air coming out of the vents. Now all is well with the world.
I also took a brief ride with my son to get gas. Ain't he cute?
I've decided on a name for my scoot. I think I'll call her "The Flying Cranberry!" Now I just need to find decals.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
1 day ago
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