Starting out as a moto-vlogger takes work, and it takes equipment. One needs the following:
camera(s) with helmet or handlebar mount
sound recorder
computer with video editing software
Motorcycle or scooter
One doesn't really need the most expensive solution for any of these items and it is possible to use a makeshift solution until a better option makes itself available.
I've found that if I use a tool properly, I can make it work, even if it isn't the perfect choice. It's a learning process, but it's been fun.
The one issue I'd like to solve is with sound recording. I've been able to work with the earbud microphone that came with my cellphone, but it is imperfect and picks up a lot of extraneous noise. I'm not sure I want to just get another mic, or get a third camera with a microphone so I can add a third angle.
One thing is certain, I'm having fun, and that's what I was aiming for.
So this morning I'm filming for my second "Scoot Commute" segment, and as I was passing Coby's Family Services, I decided to talk about being a foster parent.
Whilst talking to my audience, I came to a discovery, I've finally come to terms with the struggles that come with adopting an older child through the foster care system.
Foster parenting is hard. Adopting an older child is hard. Your family won't understand and the birth family will probably hate you. I know that is how it was for us. We even got death threats from the birth mother.
I've come to the conclusion that no matter what has happened, it was worth it. It was difficult. It still is, but it was well worth it to have an opportunity to show a child that life can have meaning.
six years ago I reviewed the Honda Elite 110. It was, as I called it, a pleasant little puddle jumper. Today I had opportunity to ride my friend's 2010 Elite.
It's been six years, but the machine has lost none of its charm. I'm still amazed at the suspension on that tiny little scooter. It's so small, yet it eats up the bumps as if they weren't there.
If you wish to see the rest of my impressions, please watch my vlog below:
Millersville Pennsylvania is a little college town. I happen to work there currently so I see it a lot, and since I seem to be on a small town kick, it seemed fitting to do a video of the place.
The university started out as a Normal School. These were teacher training schools which have their beginnings in the early 1800's here in the U.S., and as early as the 1700's in Europe.
Horace Mann is the name generally associated with the start of these schools in America with the first being founded initially in Lexington, Massachusetts. From what I understand, it was moved to Westfield Mass and eventually became Westfield State College. Millersville was founded soon after and some of the buildings on campus reflect the age of the institution.
In my travels I met a Honda SH-150 owner and we chatted about older motorcycles. Unfortunately, my audio recording cut out about halfway through, but I had fun even if I cannot share it with you.
So, here is a link to the video. I hope you enjoy it!
Let me start with an update. In my last entry, I mentioned that two of the young men I had been riding with had been in an accident. From what I understand, they had switched bikes and one of the young men hit a bump on the other kid's bike. When he did so, the shocks on the Harley 883 he was riding bottomed out and he lost control of the bike and swerved into his own bike with the other kid on it.
As you can see, it got a bit warm.
Thankfully both boys were only doing 45 at the time and while one ended up with a broken wrist and elbow and the other has some hairline fractures along his spine. I am glad that they escaped with only those injuries, though spinal fractures can be serious enough.
I'm still buzzing around on my scooter. Yesterday I spent some time in Lititz. It's a neat little town and I took some video of the highlights. I hope you enjoy it!
I went to my favorite monthly event today: The Ephrata First Sunday Ride-In.
It was a glorious day for it. The temperature was balmy, the sun was shining, the clouds were...clouding. Maggie wanted to go along of course, but it just so happens that Communion Sunday at church is always on the first Sunday of the month as well. This would work out poorly since Maggie would see everyone else eating a "cookie" and want one for herself. Barking would ensue. Bad dog! Bad bad dog!
So, the dog stayed at home and I went along to the monthly rally. Last month I was halfway across the state and unable to attend, but this month there was no such prohibition. I mounted my trusty steed (with a fresh drive belt), and proceeded off into the sunrise.
There were many many bikes gathered at the American Legion, even as I arrived around 8:30. The lower parking lot had not yet filled up, but it was starting to collect a few examples. I was wandering around with my coffee and had passed close to where the PCX was parked when I heard a familiar voice exclaim, "Isn't that Paul's scooter? It is, I know it is!" I looked over to see a couple of the kids from the class after mine at YTI.
I greeted my two young friends and their companion and we proceeded to chat for a while. It was decided that they were going for a ride out toward Harrisburg. While this was opposite the direction I needed to go to get to Church, I figured there was enough time to go partway with them then turn around, so this is what I did.
Watching their antics I was reminded of what it is to be young and slightly immature, though I am older and extremely immature. after about ten miles, we parted ways and I retraced my steps back through Ephrata and then off toward church in Terre Hill.
After church, I revisited the site of the Ride-in and the parking lot which just a few hours prior had been teeming with chrome and noise, was nearly empty. After recording a final bit of video, the trip home commenced.
So it is that I give you today's vlog, please enjoy:
UPDATE: apparently two of the young men I was riding with crashed a short while after we parted ways and were rushed to Hershey Medical Center. One of them suffered some broken bones but is otherwise ok, the other is unknown at this time.
Today dawned bright and sunny and I was able to see the scooter in the light of the sun. I'm still a bit sore and probably will be for a few days, but the scoot, well, I'll let you see for yourself. Just off the cuff, I'm going to guess at least $500 worth of damage, and that's a low estimate.
The front fender and right wind deflector are toast.
Then there are the forks themselves. They are at about a five degree angle from each other. This isn't good at all and is causing issues with the front brakes. I see no reason why I can't fix it, but I need access to a shop. I've been told I can do repairs at the shop at YTI, but that's 30 miles away and I have no truck and trailer to get it there.
I've been busy on the job hunting front, and hope to soon have some fruit from my resume carpet bombing efforts. As soon as I have a job, I'll have access to a shop and can do the needed repairs. Of course, this means the Beverly really isn't able to be sold as is, not without selling it at a loss.
There's also the option of parting it out and selling it on E-bay. I'd rather not because I hate to see the machine relegated to the junk-heap of history, but I would easily get the money back that I've put into it that way.
Frigid Rituals in Life and on a Vespa Scooter
Invisible Power As if propelled by some magical invisible power I find
myself once again staring at my scooter in the snow. A vaguely familiar
frigid rit...
Why I'm a Grammar Snob and Other Stuff
A fellow sexagenarian and one time classmate, my friend Greg has been a
trusted confidante for many years and we share numbers of emails back and
forth ea...
*Do not enter the path of the wicked And do not proceed in the way of evil
men. **Avoid it, do not pass by it; Turn away from it and pass on.*
Proverbs 4...
This is the end.
This will be my last entry in this blog.
I have been told that I am now terminal with my cancer, and I've been
writing so much on Facebook, that I don't hav...
A Witch
I don't remember the circumstances that led up to it, but I was following
an old woman who looked to be somewhere between 65-75 years old. She was
leading ...