And yesterday's gone...
Unfortunately, this morning has dawned very wet. My in-laws are visiting from Western Pennsylvania and I had plans to go a few places with my dad-in-law. I am blessed to have parents-in-law with whom I get along very well. I know many folks who cannot make that claim. It is my hope that we can run up to
Cabela's later today. I'm not in a position to purchase anything there at the moment, but the place fascinates me whether I have the money to buy anything or not.
If you have never visited one of Cabela's retail locations, you have missed out on a fantastic experience. Cabela's not only retails outdoors gear, they also have what amounts to a natural history museum, replete with live fish of various types, right in the store. Even if one is not interested in hunting, fishing, camping, or whatnot, the animal displays are certain to impress.
I was able to get out for a nice ride yesterday. It was only about 40 miles, but the weather was nice and it was a very pleasant time to be out in the elements.

As is my general habit, I took at least one road I've never been on, and found myself crossing a bridge over Chiques Creek. The view (despite the guardrail) was picturesque, so I stopped to shoot one with my little Canon.
The road took me up to Esbenshade road, just east of Mount Joy, which is close to the
"Lazerdome," a local teen/pre-teen hangout, where an old friend of mine happens to be one of the managers. I didn't stay very long. There were too many adolescent hormones running around in that place, and too many kids hanging on each other for my comfort (can I get an "EEEEWWWW" from the congregation?). There is something about the goopy-icky-sappyness of teen romance that makes me want to relieve myself of my last meal. Aside from that, if one enjoys loud, dark places with flashing lights and tons of video games, well, the Lazerdome certainly has that in abundance.
I continued my journey down 722 to Mount Joy, then off toward Elizabethtown. Before I made it that far, I turned off onto a side road (I can't recall the name), and made my way up to
Kinsey's Outdoors (similar to Cabela's but on a much smaller scale, and without the fish). I've purchased a revolver from them previously (a Daniel Wesson 357 with removable barrel), and have been very happy with it. It's actually the firearm I use for deer hunting.
My son called while I was there to alert me to the fact that his grandparents had arrived, so I hopped back on the Silver Streak and headed home. Despite my better instincts, I decided to take route 283 since it would be faster than the back roads. I was pleased to not that it was not as bad as I had expected and my scooter held onto a respectable 72mph indicated on the speedometer (probably about 64-65mph actual). The ride was completely stable and solid. I have my windshield back on, so the scooter handled very well.
One of my readers suggested that drilling a hole at the end of each of the cracks should stop them from spreading. I did so, and re-installed the shield. Riding without it was not at all something I would like to repeat.
Yesterday was a wonderful day for riding and tomorrow promises more of the same. Perhaps today's weather is a good reminder of the somber nature of the day. Yesterday was Good Friday, the day on which we followers of Jesus Christ commemorate His substitutional death on the cross of Calvary. According to the teachings of Scripture, His body lay in the tomb of a rich man through the sabbath day, and on the first day of the week, He rose victorious from the grave, offering salvation to all who would accept it. So, today is a day for introspection, and perhaps the weather is well suited for that.
The above picture is one I created several years ago using Photoshop. If you wish to use it, please ask permission and give credit to the source.